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English St.Peregrine Laziosi was born in Forli, Italy in AD 1265 of well-to-do parents. As a young man he led a rebellious and dissolute life and was very hostile to the Church. On one occasion, he punched St. Philip Benizi viciously in the face. This good and gentle saint meekly turned the other cheek. St. Peregrine was so deeply moved that he immediately changed his ways.

The Blessed Virgin appeared to him in a vision urged him to «go to Siena» and join the Servites of Mary. For 30 years thereafter, he led a life of repentance, prayer, and, whenever possible, solitude and silence. He was ordained a priest and became an eloquent preacher, persuasive in reconciling sinners.

He suffered from an ugly foot cancer which was extremely painful and made him revolting to others. Through it all he showed patience and courage. The night before he was to have his foot amputated, he was miraculously cured while he slept. He became, as a result, the patron of all who suffer from foot ailments, cancer or incurable diseases. St.Peregrine died at 80 in 1345. He was canonized in 1726.


Dear St.Peregrine I need your help. I feel so uncertain of my life right now. Serious illness (for myself, family, friends) shakes my faith in God. Help me to imitate your enduring faith when you faced the ugliness of cancer nd surgery. Allow me to trust the Lord the way you did in this moment of distress. I want to be cured but right now I ask God for the strenght to bear the cross in my life. I ask for the grace not to despair. I seek the power to proclaim God's presence in my life despite the hardship, anguish and fear I now experience. Oh glorious St.Peregrine be an inspiration to me and petitioner of these needed graces from our loving Father. AMEN.

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